Sunday 15 December 2013

First Blog-Post-Thing!

Though I've had this blog for a very long time, it appears I've never actually posted anything on it. Well, that's about to change. Should we start off with some introductions?

Hi folks. The name's Janzen. James Janzen. What's this blog about? I have nooo clue. Partially about writing. Partially about other random stuff.

This blog will likely make references to my account, as that's where I post the majority of my writing. is where I reside when I'm not being lazy, like I have been for the last bit. Why? Well, mostly because of exams/projects/laziness. Really, I've just been kinda busy as 2013 draws to a close and teachers decide to end with a bang.

The Dragon's Curse (TDC) is temporarily on hold as I do the following:
-Make money, see next paragraph
-Write a Christmas present for my family

The first and third are pretty self-explanatory, don't want to spend any money on a present for family so going to write some sort of short-story present thing for them. It's the thought that counts...

Ah, yes, make money. Why? Well, I'm currently writing this on my 2 1/2 year-old Asus Netbook that is not really suiting my needs. Simply for writing, my 2gb ram and 1.6ghz Intel Atom processor are fine, but as any good teenage guy I'm into some gaming as well.

Besides, I just really want a Macbook Air :)

So anyhow, I am selling random stuff in order to produce the cash for a Macbook Air, which shouldn't take altogether too much longer. We'll see. I will most likely start writing on there, though I do still like the keyboard of my current netbook. It's really up to the difference in keyboard size etc.

Well, other than all that I don't really know anything to include in my first post.

Have a great day, everybody.

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